The information included on this site and affiliated programs and materials is not intended to replace advice of licensed veterinarians.
The training instructions and programs included on this website and affiliated websites, social media accounts and online forums are not intended to be a complete presentation of all problems and issues for any topic. It is also may not be accurate for circumstances or equipment at an individual facility. Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC) therefore makes no guarantees, or assumes any responsibility for the results any individual gets from applying the methods described on this website and all affiliated programs.
Limit of Liability
Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC) shall not be held liable for any type of injury or damage that could be construed from the information included on this website and affiliated websites, social media accounts and online products and forums. Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC) does not take any responsibility for inappropriate use or application of information or instruction.
Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC) is not responsible or liable for any bodily injury or property damage sustained as a result from participation of courses, trainings, virtual or live sessions or as a result from the application of information included on this website, affiliated websites, social media accounts and online forums.
Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC) is not responsible or liable for any bodily injury or property damage sustained as a result from lessons, coaching, or other instruction from any persons affiliated with Balance Through Movement Method or Lazaris Nerve Release Technique.
All material contained on the Balance Through Movement Method website are protected by international copyright law. All comments, suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, graphics, videos, photos or other information shall remain the property of Celeste Lazaris (Wild Magic LLC).
Terms of Service
The information taught in the BTMM Academy ( and shared on this website ( or any of our affiliated Facebook groups is for personal use only. You are not allowed to advertise or promote that you use, teach, clinic, or instruct the Balanced Through Movement Method. You are allowed to practice the techniques as long as you are giving credit to the Creator, Celeste Lazaris with acknowledgment that you are a student and not an affiliate. Any violation of this is trademark infringement and will be addressed with legal recourse.
Your personal information will not be shared unless explicit, written consent has been given.
All payments are non-refundable.
Members may be removed from the BTMM Academy ( without notice or refund.
If you enroll in a payment plan and cancel your plan before payments are complete, you will be automatically removed from the product without refund.
Failed payments that are not resolved within 7 days result in automatic removal from the product without refund.
Your BTMM Academy account ( is for your personal use alone. Login details are not to be shared. Any sharing of paid materials from the BTMM Academy will result in your immediate removal without refund of payment.
Payments for distance sessions can be refunded if there is a medical reason to cancel, otherwise we are happy to reschedule appointments. All information about those are in the distance sessions scheduling as well.
We reserve the right to not work with any horse we believe requires Veterinary attention.
We reserve the right to not work with any human who does not respect their horse.
We frequently refer out to other specialists for care such as saddle fit, farriers, dentistry, nutrition etc.
BTMM Academy trainings are not to be used for licensure of practice. It is the sole responsibility of the ​professional to ensure state/country requirement compliance before applying BTMM methodologies in their business.
We encourage all clients to verify the credentialing requirements applicable in their local area before engaging any equine professional's services.
Lazaris Nerve Release Technique Self Study Course
Participants who complete the course can apply the knowledge and skills gained in a professional setting, this does not make them certified professionals. While we encourage course participants to share that they have invested in the course and have gained skills that serve them in their profession, it is strictly prohibited for participants to advertise or offer services related to the course content as if they are certified professionals. This includes refraining from using the course completion as a qualification to provide paid services to others, as well as teaching the techniques in the course to others.
Completion of the Self Study Course does not guarantee admittance to the Certification Cohort.
Taking the Lazaris Nerve Release Technique Course does not grant any official certification or professional accreditation. All course materials are provided with the agreement that it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure state/country requirement compliance before applying BTMM methodologies in their business. We encourage participants to seek appropriate certifications or licenses if they wish to offer professional services in the field of equine bodywork.
Lazaris Nerve Release Technique Certification Cohort​
Participants must complete all cohort requirements and evaluations to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion. Cohort completion is not a guarantee of certification. Once certified, technique reviews with a $500 USD re-certification fee are due annually to maintain active status.
The Certificate of Completion does not grant any official professional certification or professional accreditation. All course materials are provided with the agreement that it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure state/country requirement compliance before applying BTMM methodologies in their business. We encourage participants to seek appropriate certifications or licenses if they wish to offer professional services in the field of equine bodywork.
Ridden Nerve Release Course​
The information in this course is intended for personal use only. Participants who complete the course can apply the knowledge and skills gained in a professional setting, this does not make them certified professionals. While we encourage course participants to share that they have invested in the course and have gained skills that serve them in their profession, it is strictly prohibited for participants to advertise or offer services related to the course content as if they are certified professionals. This includes refraining from using the course completion as a qualification to provide paid services to others, as well as teaching the techniques in the course to others.
Taking the Ridden Nerve Release Course does not grant any official certification or professional accreditation. All course materials are provided with the agreement that it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure state/country requirement compliance before applying BTMM methodologies in their business. We encourage participants to seek appropriate certifications or licenses if they wish to offer professional services in the field of equine bodywork.